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时间:2024-01-23 17:51:48



一、把今年的遗憾埋进冬天的雪里,等到来年长出新的期待。Bury this year's regret in the winter snow, and wait until the next year to grow new expectations

二、冬天的雪,是上帝写给人间的诗。The poem written by God is for snow

三、下雪了!专业替人打雪仗,出手准,下手狠, 打哭20元!打伤50元!往脸上呼雪100元!(注:18岁以上的活不接,打不过)


五、雪至盛,飞漫天,万物潜藏,御寒正当时。Snow to Sheng, flying all over the sky, everything hidden, warm at the right time

六、又到了趴在雪地上,认真地在雪上写你名字的时候了。It's time to lie on the snow and write your name on the snow


八、接下来是雪花,新年,和更好的我们!Next is snowflake, new year, and better us!

九、晴天适合相见,雪天适合思念。Sunny day is suitable for meeting, snowy day is suitable for missing.

十、下雪天不需要任何文案,一句不用上班了就足够浪漫。Snow day does not need any copywriting, a need not go to work is romantic enough



十二、下雪了,却发现雪根本没有你的心冷。When it snows, I find that snow is not as cold as your heart

十三、我把冬天握在手里啦,要不要送一片给你?I hold winter in my hand. Do you want to give you one? A kind of

十四、下雪了,如果我们不撑伞一直走下去,是不是可以一路到白头?If it doesn't snow all the way, can we go all the way?

十五、化雪总比下雪冷,就像结束总比开始疼。Melting snow is always colder than snowing, just like ending is always more painful than beginning

十六、如果你也刚好看到下雪,那就当我们见过面吧。If you happen to see snow, let's think we met

十七、下雪了,想钻进你的衣服里,然后一把抱住你。Snow, want to get into your clothes, and then a hug you


十九、大雪纷飞的冬天,缺一次久别重逢,缺一顿火锅,缺一个你。Snowy winter, the lack of a reunion, the lack of a hot pot, the lack of a you
